
Friday, December 31, 2021

Panoply 2021: It's a Wrap!

Once again the Christmas decor is packed away, and now it's time to collage all my blog posts for 2021 as a final step before closing the book, figuratively and literally, on 2021. Soon I'll have all my posts bound in a yearbook style format using Blog2Print (no affiliation, I just love the product and service). 

I only blogged 24 posts (counting this one!) in 2021. That's even fewer than last year. I suppose I didn't feel I would be entertaining or informative enough to sustain your interest, so 24 it was. Plus, I found myself super busy by late summer with another move!

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Forest Fantasy Holiday Tablescape

Hello, and Happy Holidays! Today I am sharing my Forest Fantasy Holiday Tablescape, as part of my 2021 [new] home holiday decor. Welcome, readers, both longtime and new!

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Tales of the Traveling Tote No. 29 and Giveaway

Hello, tote traveling troupers! This past quarter has flown by for me, mostly because I was wholly immersed in moving. Yes, we've had three homes in three years. It's a Goldilocks thing.....we think we've found the "just right" home this time. Join me as I recount my travels in this 29th edition of the Tales of the Traveling Tote.