
Friday, September 15, 2023

Panoply Booth Spaces and Antiquing Lately

Good morning! In just another week or so I can officially say Happy Fall, Y'all! The autumnal equinox will arrive on September 23rd in my time zone here in the Northern Hemisphere. Today I'm sharing Panoply's latest antique mall booth spaces with you. 
By the time you finish reading this post you'll understand why it's been such a crazy past few weeks for me. Grab a drink, sit back, and enjoy a little armchair browsing / shopping!

Friday, September 1, 2023

Tales of the Traveling Tote #36 and Giveaway

Welcome to September and another installment of the Traveling Totes! 
I am one of a group of gals who, each calendar quarter, share experiences of where we've been and how we've used our MacKenzie-Childs totes. It also includes a token giveaway from us to you, so be sure to see further in this post for that opportunity. Be sure to also read through and see my fellow tote travelers' posts, with links provided to take you directly to each. If you want to visit my personal log of tales, you can begin here.