Whew! We've been doing the two-step shuffle in our Panoply booth spaces since my
Summer Booth Transitions update just a month or so ago. Several furniture items sold, and other things were brought in, while existing inventory got moved around - like a maze!. We (as in sister M) did particularly well with our anniversary sale the first weekend of August. This is a recap of the booth maze craze (lots of photos!).
Our latest vignette includes some of the finds from the
2015 Longest Yard Sale Results.
Panoply School Daze - mid-August 2015 |
Sister M scored that great, old slant desk, and sister J, being the patron saint of old chairs, came home with a couple, one of which is the plank in the photo above.
Panoply School Daze Detail |
Some other items rounding out the school daze vignette include some already on hand: the map, bell, and globe. Others acquired on the LYS include the Victorian pencil box and late 1920s-early 1930s classroom photo.
Of course, this displaced everything that was in that space prior. Here's the before & after of the school daze space:
Panoply Before & After: Corner Wall August 2015 |
It's even hard for me to keep track of our booth space maze, so I certainly don't expect my readers to, but I'll try to point out key moves. The area immediately in front of the corner wall / nook pictured above is where we had our summertime theme. We had just set our first glimpse of fall on August 4th with a table setting and four ladderback chairs (the ones I enabled sister J with from
that June estate sale spree I went to), and the table sold the next day!
Panoply First Fall Glimpse - August 4, 2015 |
So, here we are at mid-August, with a mix of primitive and vintage utility items.
Panoply August 11, 2015 - utilitarian items replaced first fall glimpse |
The same space from June through August, in all its transitions.
Panoply: three looks, three weeks, same space - summer 2015 |
The area we called the encampment also saw a lot of changes, as both furniture and smalls sold. Here's how the space currently looks, as set in mid-August (photo below).
Panoply Encampment Space - mid-August 2015 |
Of note, the corner walnut cabinet and 5-shelf primitive tabletop cabinet on the table's center, plus two of the ladderbacks, landed here. The chair on the wall came from the LYS (all the chairs previously in this space sold). The jewelry cabinet on the far right replaced a large secretary that sold. Below is the before & after of that same space.
Panoply Before & After: Secretary, Various Smalls Sold |
The area across the aisle had a china cabinet that sold in July, so here's a shot of the before & after of that space (photo below). Of note, everything in the china cabinet found its way to the bookcase, and all the hats in the bookcase are on a rack on the aisle (far right of bottom half of photo). The windsor chair and floor lamp also sold (top half, right side). The chandelier was moved from its holding place in the encampment, and the mannequin beside was just added.
Panoply Before & After: Formal |
In the photo above, you see the shelf divider we have (made of boards and shutters) right behind the bookcase, and the school daze vignette is on the other side of it. On the shelves previously, we had several small items which ended up being put "out to pasture". Tired of looking at it all, we wrapped most of it up for either yard sale or storage, and changed the look.
The shelf divider is now geared toward many of our primitive tools, crocks, and other utilitarian items. At the left edge, on the aisle, is our hardware corner (see below).
The light color and number of shelves make it a lot easier to rummage through the primitive items, which are, by nature, dark, and were previously in various crates, mostly sitting on the floor (hard to get to for many).
All of this brings us back to what we call our main booth. It's a little less cluttered, as we removed the hardware from here (which never really fit). It's still full of linens, hats, and farmhouse vintage goodies.
On the right side of the booth space, we ended up with a new (old) spiral clothing rack from a dealer who moved out at the end of July. On the rack, we're displaying half of the vintage hats sister M stocks. The photo below is the before & after appearance of that section, in which all of the before items (left side of photo) are now in the space with the settee (as noted in the bottom portion of the formal space photo earlier in this post).
The main (farmhouse) booth space certainly saw some two-step shuffling from June through August. Check out the photo below for its prior looks in just the last couple of months:
For those of us in the vintage resale business, it's a real accomplishment to continually refresh our spaces in the hopes of keeping customers interested (and buying). We can (and did!) a major furniture move the first week of August in just under one hour, yet mid-August changes with shelves and cubbies took us nearly five hours to complete. This did not include our standing curio and floor cases, which we might spend an entire session restyling. The photo below is just a sampling of what's in the cases. Our goal is to try to make tags visible so customers can see prices without the need for a salesperson. It's how we would want to see things if we were shopping.
Panoply case smalls sampling - August 2015 |
Believe it or not, moving the big items is, most of the time, less taxing than changing / moving smalls. In all the photos captured here, the number of small vignettes changed were simply too many to comment on. I realize some bloggers will create an entire post on a new vignette within their home, and I get that - totally. It takes time to visualize what look you want, choose or curate the items for display, and then execute the idea.
Panoply is fortunate in that there are three of us buying - individually - with complementary styles and ideas. We make a lot of changes, so I'm inclined to pen a post after a number of the vignettes and spaces get changed and/or moved, versus just one or two. For me to document all the "befores and afters" from a macro view really helps us, retrospectively, in terms of reviewing what worked, what didn't, and keeping the out-of-town sister in the loop. Journaling all of these changes is the crux of why I started blogging.
I appreciate all of you who've danced with me on this two-step shuffle of our latest booth maze craze. It's fun to share to with you. If you have any questions, or want more information on anything seen here, feel free to email me (there's an email link on my sidebar where it says "note").
Rita C. at Panoply
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