I've been really trying to stick with the plan of curbing the vintage shopping urge this year, since I already have a good supply of inventory smalls I can pull from to stock the spaces Panoply rents at the antique mall. However...I have been to a few estate sales recently.
McCoy pitcher and basket full of wooden apples came from one recent sale (recognize that basket of apples in
my last post?).
I picked up a few winter textiles from that same estate.
Then, I sort of "pigged out" at another estate sale. The lady at the host home evidently loved her pigs, and I picked up two pig-shaped cutting boards, along with the pig creamer there (photo below). The hinged basket was handy for toting my picks while I shopped the house, and I ended up buying it, too. The sweetgrass basket with tree warming stone, along with the small cutting board on the left were also of that same estate. The center pig chalkboard and circular graphic pig were from
Diana's online vintage shop.
I also picked a couple ladders from the garage of the lady who loved pigs.
Then, there are tabletop items (dishes)....why I cannot stay away from them, I don't know. The collage below shows my recent, collectible damage. Another estate sale yielded a partial set of Hackman (Finland) utensils, and a nice set of 12 white appetizer plates, still in box, from Crate & Barrel. Then, a glass serving dish with painted hydrangeas at the local thrift store was too hard to resist. Lastly, my sister gifted me with a set of 8 luncheon plates in the SL Gail Pittman collection she had stashed and never used.
Oh yea, then there's my neighbor who posted a message on Facebook (paraphrased), " Hey all my FB friends and antique lovers, I've decided to sell all my Fire King jadeite........."
I stopped everything, texted her, and off I went,
down the street to her garage, to check things out. I unwrapped it all, made a list, slept on it, and texted her the next day. In addition to all of
this jadeite, and
this jadeite, I now own all
THIS jadeite (below).
Jadeite Dinnerware in [mostly] Jane Ray pattern |
This is mostly the Jane Ray pattern. I was on the fence about buying it, so the neighbor sweetened the pot with this, pictured below.
Currier & Ives dinnerware |
It's Currier & Ives, nearly complete service for 8, of various patterns. Most notable is the large chop plate in "A Snowy Morning" pattern. Of the pieces on the periphery, the flow blue butter keeper may be just that - a keeper.
One more estate sale yielded some super nice vintage linens: two fine quilts, with detail handwork on both, but the pink and green quilt is incredibly elaborate (detail shown on first two frames on right of collage below). The bottom right frame of the collage shows two sets of hand worked pillowcases and a runner, along with a simple doily. Those linens weren't ironed for the photo, but already soaked clean.
Quilts, pillowcases and detail of handwork |
I realize now I should quit talking about curbing my vintage shopping, as this post says otherwise.
It's been nearly five months since we've stirred the pot in our antique booth spaces, the last of which which you can read about
here. A recent supposed* sale (*the woman reneged) of a screen divider in our farmhouse booth was the impetus for a pretty big move recently. Below, you can see the screen in the 'Before' (top of photo, right side), and the 'After' (bottom of photo) shows our shutter shelf divider we moved in its place.
Before (top) and After (bottom) screen divider and shutter/shelf unit moves |
Without a blow-by-blow account of all the changes, suffice it to say that the screen divider and shutter shelf divider were the dominoes that pretty much caused some major moving, shaking, and necessary cleaning of our spaces. We dedicated most of the shelving unit to glass displays, not typical of what we normally do.
Shutter & Shelf Divider with mostly glass display |
Several pieces of furniture sold since January, and we've opted to give the booths a little breathing room instead of packing them so tightly with big furniture that customers can't really navigate. Larger furniture items not only consume valuable real estate once in the spaces, but are also a hassle to transport when sourcing, storing and moving into the mall spaces.
Before (top) and After (bottom, shutter shelving moved), letting the spaces breathe |
However, we do have a lot of smalls - especially in seasonal items - so we inevitably still look pretty densely packed in some spaces. We prefer vignettes versus shelves lined with smalls, so we tried to spread the smalls around smaller furniture items.
Before (top) and After (bottom) packing in seasonal items |
Garden Display |
We did not make many changes to the area we call the encampment, which is primarily loaded with mantiques. We just added more, lol. It's currently a mix of Derby (still), Memorial, and Father's Day.
Sister M will be on vacation this week, so I'll be flying solo in the booth space. I'll be fluffing, folding linens, and perhaps adding some jadeite to the mix. Dishes do not normally sell well for us, but I'm going to test and see if jadeite does well. It should, as it's still very hot on eBay, and has been for a number of years. I'll report back on that in a future post. I don't intentionally have plans for it being part of my permanent collection (but may choose to keep the mugs and turkey), so if anyone knows of someone with interest, let me know.
We Panoply sisters are planning a picking trip for late June, too, so I should have something to report on that as well. Even if I don't do a lot of buying myself, I'll see what damage the other two can do. Are you the type of friend who helps other friends realize their potential in vintage shopping? Friends don't let friends junk alone! ;)
Rita C. at Panoply
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