Friday, April 3, 2020

Hope Springs Eternal

Welcome to Panoply! We are safe and sound as of this writing, and I am grateful. Hope springs eternal*, so allow me to share my current happy places, in and around my home, as part of a virtual, socially distant gathering of friends across the country in an "Easter's On Its Way" roundup. Hey, we bloggers have always practiced social distancing, am I right?! A special thanks to Amber of Follow the Yellow Brick Home in Kentucky for hosting and reaching out with the invitation to spread optimism and light across the country! 

The view below is a recent, hope-filled sunrise seen from our living room. I have a growing cache of photos I've taken from this view during our first year of living here. They never cease to amaze me.
If you've come over my friend Carol's blog, Bluesky at Home, you've already gotten a feeling of joy from her own style of Spring in Texas. Here in my home state of West Virginia, I have been closely following the signs of spring and new life around me for the past several weeks. Flowers throughout the neighborhood have signaled everything is working for good. That is my mantra. Everything is working for good.
Our Spring entry, pre-coronavirus style. A pansy door wreath and door mat remain until late Spring flowers begin blooming.
Our Spring entry, coronavirus style. Do you see the difference? Sanitize before entering!
Our condo opens to a spacious living area, encompassing living, dining and cooking spaces. Most heavier textiles of Winter have been swapped out, and lighter weight pillow covers and throws in. My Blenko studio piece, "Arches", in a color combination of pawpaw and cobalt, take the spotlight. Just a few hints of Easter and Spring are evident in faux florals and small vignettes. 
On the sideboard and small glass curio/drink stand behind the sectional, bunnies, eggs and florals make their appearance. They are happy signs of Spring and rebirth for me. 
Across from the sideboard, my fireplace nook and ledge have chicks with carts (seen recently, here) parading in front of a bunny with a basket full of eggs. The Old World bunny prints and copper pitcher are vintage finds. Reflecting in the glass of the fireplace you can see hints of my Easter table.
In the otherwise neutral space, my Easter table is set with an explosion of color. A floral teapot and stockpot rest on the cooktop nearby. With an open space such as our condo is designed, there's only room for so much color, and right here is the place! It makes me smile every time I pass by (a lot!).
My office space is my personal place of retreat, where I either work at my computer desk, or sit in the chaise lounge situated diagonally across from my desk to read. An Easter bunny pillow and felted robins in the window say it's Spring. Thank you to my friend Jeanie who crafted my robins.
I'm keeping things light in the bedroom with just a few seasonal pillow covers. The sheepskin rugs stay for now. They feel so soft, and are such a comfort on chilly days and nights. We all need comfort.
Lastly, the laundry room is my work space for household duties. I keep my baker's rack with garden items here: a vintage alphabet needlepoint of wildflowers and garden girl lithograph, my garden photo melamine plates, vintage crocheted potholders by seasonal color, harvested lavender, and other garden baubles.
The shelves hold useful remnants of gardening days past, and hope for days to come.
Hope springs eternal.* Take a walk. You'll see what I mean.

Thank you for your visit. Be sure to stop by my friends' posts linked below. It'll brighten your day, I'm pretty certain. Debbee's Buzz is up next, and comes to you from Pittsburgh, PA, so you will literally be hopping from one state to the next. Enjoy!
*Note:  "Hope springs eternal in the human breast" was written by Alexander Pope in 1732 in An Essay on ManSee this uplifting article from Psychology Today, written by Saul Levine M.D. in 2016 for more. It is as relevant today as in 2016. 
Rita C. at Panoply


  1. Rita, thank you for such an uplifting and hope-filled post! What a lovely way to start my day. And that view --- wow! Got a chuckle out of your before and after entry pix lol! If only I could find sanitizer here. We settle for using disposable Clorox wipes. I envy all the black and white MC rabbits you have, and the one in the needlepoint pillow too. And that studio piece is a ray of sunshine, radiating warmth throughout the entire open space. Stunning! Sending a virtual hug back at ya!

  2. Rita, your home is lovely. Starting with your door wreath, how pretty. Love all your touches. You put a smile on all the viewers faces when touring your beautiful styled home. Happy Easter!

  3. Rita...your new home looks lovely. I love the Purell at the entry. Your Easter table is gorgeous. All that color makes such delicious eye candy. Stay safe and healthy.

  4. Your use of color and springtime treasures did raise my spirits! The local news is on now listing the 8th and 9th Covid 19 deaths here in Maine. I will shut it off as soon as I learn of anything new. Old rock and roll music has been a standby for us--even though I am not fond of SO's Grateful Dead music. He did put my Reba McIntire religious double CD set (she starts with "Jesus Loves Me") and the Beach Boys 50th anniversary CDs on for me yesterday! Color, music, food I enjoy, faux flowers, fragrances, and crafting have been uppers for me. Busy making my Easter cards. We are so lucky compared to so many others; our Soc Sec and my pension assures us a regular income. So much to be grateful for! Happy Easter

    1. Kathy, I've been listening to a lot of music too, and am enjoying cooking more! We do have so much to be grateful for, and thank you for sharing some of yours. Happy Easter to you also. Take care to stay safe.

  5. Your spring decor is lovely, Rita...and the view you have! I especially love how you decorated your baker's rack with garden goodies...I can almost smell the lavender. And I'd be spending lots of time in your cozy chaise lounge!

  6. Everything is so pretty, Rita! I loved taking a tour of your home inside and out. You have so many unique and beautiful peices. It's also fun to take a peek outside too. All the blooms are gorgeous! We don't live close to any of our neighbors but I've loved seeing how everyone is using sidewalk chalk to cheer their neighbor and delivery people up each day. It's such a sweet idea. Hugs and happy Easter, CoCo

  7. Rita, I'm pretty sure I've commented on it before, but I adore your framed botanical, and what pretty floral plates below it! Now, more than ever, I am so thankful that "Hope springs eternal!" Happy & healthy Easter!

  8. Rita,
    That does it! Out comes the easter decor!
    Thank you for always inspiring!
    Happy Easter, friend!
    P.S. Gorgeous from front door all the way through!

    1. Pat, thank you! Pulling out the Easter decor is a sweet distraction and makes ya feel good too!

  9. I am sure you enjoy that view every evening in particular. It reminds me of my lovely view over the skyline and lake in Ohio. I miss that, but the house in Florida is a better place for us to be staying at this time. I don't think I had seen your front door before, it is beautiful, and the hand sanitizer is a great addition at this time, I hope none of your neighbors takes it! All of your sweet bunnies are adorable, but I do particularly love the little MacKenzie Childs plaid ones! I hope you do find some joy in this Easter season and stay safe and well.

  10. Your photos are beautiful and look like post cards! And each piece of spring in your home is also lovely. Seems like a very happy place to be. Hope you have a wonderful Easter! Love the hand sanitizer by the door too. When you asked if we could see the difference, I had to toggle back and forth like 3 times. Geez. :)

  11. I love your sites of spring. I love your Easter decor bits too. Stay safe and stay well.

  12. Such happy touches of Easter! I love your grid of spring flowers.

  13. I see what you mean about lavender. I spotted your stash on the bakers rack. It looks so pretty tied into neat little bundles and in the open bushel basket too. Love your gorgeous views inside and out. You have a beautiful home Rita.

  14. Your sunrise is so beautiful! Such a great reminder that God is faithful and majestic! Thank you for an uplifting post. Your home decorated for spring and Easter is a haven. You have lovely taste and so many pretty collectibles.
    I love the floral collage from your walks signally spring and hope.
    I am loving your new floral cookware on your stove. How cheerful!
    Prayers for your family in the medical field. Have a lovely weekend.

  15. You ARE spring! So pretty, Rita. Smart move on the sanitizer! I love your bunny prints --I don't remember seeing those before. And your area flowers are so pretty! Your new kettle and stockpot are perfect there and I love every single bunny because I am a bunny junkie! The robins look perfect there -- I'm glad you like them. And oh, that sunrise! What a great post to start my day!

  16. Rita, the sunrise is stunning. Please share a post with all of the sunrise photos. Spring does bring such hope with all of the beautiful flowers and trees. I love the subtle touches of spring and Easter that you have incorporated into your lovely home. The entry with the hand sanitizer tells us we are living in unprecedented times. Wishing you a Happy and Healthy Easter!

  17. Oh Rita that view. So gorgeous. What a wonderful way to start your day. I always love seeing your new condo and how you have it decorated. Love everyone of your sweet bunnies. Those Robins from your sweet friend are great. Beautiful Beautiful. Loved reading your post this morning.

  18. Wow, I love it. I want to steal that fireplace too! Your home looks so wonderful this time of year.

    Thanks for the burst of optimism during these trying times.

  19. Your place is beautiful and i love all of your spring and Easter touches! When I see forsythia it brings me back to childhood as my mom always brought the blooming branches into the house and I knew the warmer weather was coming!

  20. Rita, your bright, cheerful space must make you feel positive. All you little MKC Easter touches make me smile, and the bunny pillow on the chaise lounge is like one I have. It is a favorite here with it's border of black and white. Stay healthy!

  21. Hi Rita, I so enjoyed a tour of your "happy places" in your lovely new home. I love the open concept and how you've added your special touches to the spaces. The views are grand and I would love to see those sunrise and sunsets. The florals in the kitchen are perfect for a touch of spring and the MC Easter pieces add a special touch for Easter. You certainly make downsizing look easy! Love your new home.........

  22. Thank you so much for sharing your spring home with us, and your thoughts during this difficult time. So thankful for our God Who is in control and knows exactly when this will end, and how!

  23. I loved seeing your condo decorated for spring. You have such a beautiful view to enjoy and that has to give you great pleasure. Love your Blenko piece. I have a few Blenko pieces that belonged to my grandmother. She lived in Pearisburg, VA, not far from the WV line, I believe traveled to wherever it was made to buy pieces from time to time. I enjoyed seeing all of your Easter decor. A favorite of what you shared is the needlework in your laundry room. It's always a pleasure to visit here at Panoply.

  24. Wow, such beautiful decor and that view is AMAZING.

  25. Rita, your sunrise is beautiful. And your home is lovely all dressed for spring. We are seeing nice weather in our part of the state and you probably are also.

    Wishing you and your family happy spring days and to stay well.

  26. Rita, You have an amazing view from your new home, and to be able to see that spectacular sunrise is awesome. I spy all your MC bunnies and other Easter items that bring joy into your home. Please stay safe and wishes for a blessed Easter, my sweet friend.

  27. Thank you Rita, what a beautiful and uplifting post! Love your pansy entry!

  28. Love the message and the photos! God did not give us more than we could handle...this happened in spring...a reminder of rebirth, renewal, and hope! We can be comforted by birdsong, budding trees, and colorful flowers that life goes on!

    Love all of your springy touches, especially your garden elements. The garden girl lithograph is amazing!

    I am so happy you are finding joy in nature, as I am. Thank you for sharing such a positive and inspiring post!

    Happy Easter!

  29. I agree, hope springs eternal! Thank you for this lovely tour of your condo, Rita, spring is surely on its way. Even here in southern California, it's a bit chilly still, and we have our sheepskin rugs around for warmth and comfort. Love all your bunnies and spring touches! Happy week to you, dear friend. xo Lidy

  30. Beautiful pictures! Your teapot is so pretty. Things are blooming here in NC, too, and it seems especially wonderful this year.

    1. Thank you, Danielle. Thank goodness for the beauty of spring outside during this otherwise dangerously crazy time in our lives!

  31. Rita, truly a Welcome nod to spring. Your home looks so lovely with your Easter touches.The chaise looks so comfy and inviting. I am loving spring now with fresh new color. The garden girl is precious. A wonderful message of awakening and remaining positive. Rita, do remain safe when going shopping. Twice we had groceries delivered. Paul did venture out yesterday to get some things. Scary times. Hugs

    P.S. a big thank you for the sweet birthday card.

  32. Rita, your new home looks lovely! Glad you are adjusting well. Your Easter table is a ray of happiness!! Spring is my favorite season and I adore blossoms! Happy Easter dear friend!

  33. Rita, thanks for sharing your beautiful inspirational post at Vintage Charm!

  34. Glad to read your are safe and healthy! Your home is lovely, and that sunset picture is amazing! I actually ended my most recent blog post with "Hope Springs Eternal" - it surely does take on special meaning this year! Stay well!

  35. Rita, you have certainly made the best of the current situation we are in. Putting the sanitizer by your front door is a great idea. I’m sure decorating throughout your home for Easter in such a pretty way raised your spirits. Hope you had a wonderful Easter.

  36. your new home looks lovely. Spring color!

    Have a nice day!

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  37. Rita,
    Your sky high view makes your sunrise photos spectacular! Your neighborhood walks look like you have many beautiful gardens to see, all in full Spring regalia. Yes, hope does spring eternal. I am trying hard not to wish away my life by longing for the season of social distancing to end, but to enjoy life as it comes each day.

    Stay safe.


  38. I like your mantra, Rita, and your sanitizing area before entering your abode. Not all your pictures came through, but what I did see was very pretty! I hope all is well with you and your sweetie.

  39. Your new home is so modern and beautiful, different than your previous home to me.
    Love your MacKenzie Child's bunnies.
    And I always remember my declutter box from you before you moved

  40. You really have settled so beautifully into your new home. I hope you will share your orange scone recipe. It sounds so good! Happy Memorial Day dear one.

  41. I am looking at the chaise lounge of yours and wondering where in our house I could actually have one.

    I mentioned you in my latest post.
